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Corporation & Governance

The Chichester College Group Governing Body or Corporation sets the strategic direction of the Group and oversees the quality of education and financial performance. It has a duty of care for its assets, is accountable for the use of public funds and provides scrutiny, challenge and support. This body is advised by a clerk who is employed directly by the Corporation and who has access to independent professional advice.


The Corporation meets at least four times a year and its membership is made up of independent governors with an extensive skillset and experience drawn from the Group’s local communities and businesses, as well as the public sector.

The Corporation also includes staff governors, student governors and CCG’s CEO. Please click on the links below for further information.

  • Corporation Members here
  • Corporation Minutes here
  • Governance Structure here
  • Instruments & Articles: The Instrument and Articles of Government set down the powers, membership, roles and responsibilities of Corporations in Further Education colleges. here
  • Governor Vacancies here


The following Committees have been established by the Corporation to undertake detailed work:

Governance Review

Please click here to view CCG’s most recent External Board Review.


If you have any governance questions or enquiries, please complete the form below.
