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Chichester College Group is granted prestigious Chartered Status

23 June 2023

The Chichester College Group (CCG) has become one of the latest further education providers to be awarded Chartered Status by the Chartered Institution for Further Education.

The college group, which is comprised of seven colleges across 10 campuses, has been recognised for its excellence in delivering education to young people and adults across the West Sussex and Brighton & Hove region.

The Chartered Institution for Further Education (CIFE) is the only organisation in the UK that has been given royal assent to provide Chartered Status to further education providers – and as such they closely scrutinise all applications to ensure they recognise and celebrate organisations who exemplify the highest standards in their provision, leadership and governance.

During the admission ceremony, the group was heralded for its commitment to providing a full range of opportunities for students, opportunities that give them tools they need to leave college confident and skilled – ready to achieve their dreams.

Andrew Green, Chief Executive of CCG, said: “It is a great honour to have achieved this accolade and we are proud now be a member of the Chartered Institution for Further Education.

“The CIFE represents the very best of further education, and I am thrilled that CCG has received Chartered Status.

“We are a people driven organisation, and we strive to offer the best opportunities that we can to our students, apprentices, staff and our communities. Our business is about changing lives through learning – that is central to everything we do. This Chartered Status recognises this.

“And, as the CIFE is the only organisation that has been given royal assent to award chartered status to further education providers, this really is an achievement that our whole community can be truly proud of.”

The CIFE was established to highlight and celebrate the excellence of further education and skills training providers.

It works with industry to help influence and shape the national skills system, ensuring that skills providers are recognised as the key drivers of economic growth and development within their local communities.

The Rt Hon The Lord Lingfield Kt DL, Chairman of the Chartered Institution, added: “We are delighted to welcome Chichester College Group as a new member of the Chartered Institution for Further Education.

“Achieving membership status signifies a Further Education providers ability to clearly demonstrate excellence in all that they do, and Chichester College Group should rightly be proud of this significant achievement.”

Membership was conferred upon the college group at an admissions ceremony in London, where the group was represented by Andrew Green.
